Sunday, June 21, 2020

Social Action Essay - 1925 Words

Social Action (Essay Sample) Content: Research EssayName:Course:Institution affiliation: Research EssayScholars such as weber recognize four types of social action. These include; value rational, instrumentally rational, traditional and emotional action. Value rational action recognizes the ability of people governed by same values irrespective of their substance or content, to come together in a well-planned tactic in pursuit of those values. Individuals and groups form organization based on their commitment to same values. Possession of same values is a main motivation factor for many lobby groups. Individuals gather with other like-minded people throughout the globe to air their voice when the values they hold close face threat. Instrumentally rational action crops from commitment to a value regardless of the costs involved. The goal in this case is rationally calculated. This form of action requires participants to calculate their goal and utilize the most expedient approach to achieve their goal. Any action decided upon must be cost beneficial to the organization or group. In other words, the result, means of achieving it, and the secondary results follow logical or rational outline. Traditional action is as a result of values that have been passed down through generations. Social groups are based on traditional values and do things because that is how they were done in the past. The action is habitual and hard to break. In a given situation, members of a lobby group would respond in the same way again. Emotional actions emerge from a persons state of mind. They express personal feelings. Usually, such an action can lead to uncontrolled reaction. Such reactions are abundant among interest groups fighting for certain rights. Social groups based on emotions engage in radicle, uncontrolled behaviors that usually carry dire consequences (Dillon, 2010). The internet is one of the main avenues through which interest groups propagate their agenda. Through the internet, it is easy for people to connect and share common values regardless of physical boundaries and territory. The internet forms a global meeting place. Like-minded people meet online and discuss issues on blog posts and websites. As a consequence, a decision becomes widespread within a short duration. This has ability to spark protests in diverse regions simultaneously (Leon-Guerrero, 2011). In addition, social groups constantly update their websites with the latest information regarding their common interest. This effectively allows members across the globe to stay informed on happenings within and without their surroundings. Many advocacy groups, therefore, manage websites as their most convenient form of communication and as a way of enhancing their global presence. Environmental advocates of New York, League of Conservation Voters (Arizona), New Jersey Sierra Club, Green Peace International, and Friends of the Earth are examples of lobby groups using websites to aid advocacy.The league of Conserv ation voters (LCV) exists to transform environmental values into national priorities. The group lobbies for excellent environmental policies in order to secure the future of the planet. The group votes for candidates who mind the environment and, as a result, implement sound national environmental policies. The group has an education fund which they use to educate citizens on critical issues facing the environment. LCV fund provides research and training with an aim of increasing citizen participation and establish a support base at all levels of governance. The group understands that the future of the environment lies on leadership. It, therefore, invests immensely in training a future generation of leaders to perpetuate their agenda. At the same time, the lobby group holds intensive campaigns in favor of pro-environment aspirants. The group is composed of researchers, field organizers, and policy makers. They come up with factual information concerning environmental legislation an d keep a database of voters. Through their GiveGreen program, the group lobbies for funds to support campaigns of aspirants who are environmentally proactive. The organization is instrumentally rational in its approach gauging on their ability to come up with budgets to facilitate campaigns and education programs. Their detailed website provides links for new members to join the group as well as contribute to the worthy environmental course. The group has also enhanced its presence via subscription to social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. Recently, the group was involved in undertaking an online advocacy seeking to put issues of climate change at the top of the agenda during the presidential debate between Obama and Romney. Currently, the group is petitioning people to sign declarations to provoke senators to look into the interests of American people rather than interest of large oil corporations (, 2012). Green Peace International traverses America, Europe, Asia, P acific and Africa. It seeks to advocate for change in attitude and behaviors to make people more proactive in conserving the environment. It also seeks to promote peace through advocacy to eliminate nuclear weapons as well as promote disarmament. The organization does not receive donations from governments in an effort to maintain its integrity. The group utilizes a traditional approach of bearing witness as a core strategy in formulating advocacy tactics. The organization expose environment violators and challenge governments that fail to deliver their environment protection mandate. The group promotes open debates concerning the environment and uses research, lobbying and diplomacy as well as non-violent conflict. The group uses blog posts to discuss pertinent issues concerning the global climatic change. People who share the same mind can make contributions to the blog discussions. At the same time, people can contribute funds electronically to the organization. The blogs provid e well researched informative postings that educate the reader on effects of some policies on the environment. With their witnessing initiative, the organization conducts voyages to areas under threat and extensively covers the happenings. With firsthand information, the group has an edge for advocacy rather than depending on other sources of information. The organization relies on its team of professionals to pursue contentious issues and educate the public. The groups blog sites are well resourced with pictorials and graphics to facilitate advocacy. Not only do they advocate for issues but also conduct research to come up with real time solutions towards problems at hand (Greenpeace, 2012). The mode of action is deliberate, rational and well planned.New Jersey Sierra Club is a member supported environmental organization. The organization lobbies for legislation of their key interests at local, federal or state levels. It conducts advocacy by organizing outings in order to assess t he progress of desertification. The outings take place locally as well as across territorial borders. In addition, the organization hold campaigns to support candidates who pledge to defend its interests. Social interactive meetings held monthly allow people to deliberate on issues of interest. Where applicable, the organization may sue industrial players. The organizations mission is to restore the quality of both human and natural environments and promote responsible use of earths ecosystems. It also seeks to promote exploration and protection of unexploited ecosystems. Its current campaign seeks to promote the use of green transportation. The campaign seeks to impose use of clean and efficient vehicles, use of green fuels, and influence choice in travel mode. According to the organization, the three pillars are necessary to achieve global reduction in carbon dioxide gas emissions. Transportation is a principal source of emissions in the United States. It seeks to achieve the tar get by advocating for the reinstatement of the federal transportation bill. The group has a team of energy and agriculture specialists spearheading the research on biofuels conversion technologies. The organization understands the influence politicians have on environmental policies. The group, therefore, advocates for election of candidates who passionately care for the environment, as well as encourage environmentalists to participate in elections. The Club also endorses aspirants of choice (Newjerseysierraclub, 2012). The group is conscious in its choice of aspirants with the aim of choosing members who support their course. Such an approach is instrumentally rational since the end product is clearly outlined. The groups website is up to date and clearly indicates current engagement, aspirant of choice as well as legislative matters of interest. The site forms an effective communication interface with members of the club. It also outlines its achievements through different regi mes, emphasizing the need for advocacy. Environmental Advocates of New York monitors the government and evaluates proposed laws as well as advocates for policies and practices that ensure sound stewardship of the environment. The groups efforts were instrumental in passing several environmental laws including the original bottle deposit, first law on acid rain, state environmental Quality review act, among others. The site provides a n informative interface for communication. The site is up to date outlining key areas of interest for the year...